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- LockTite Plus
- Program and File Protector
- Copyright(c) 1989 by
- Michael Wegner
- All rights reserved
- ╔════╗
- ║ ║ Distributed by
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- LockTite Plus 1
- LockTite Plus is a file and program protector that's easy to
- use, requires no special hardware, and it's secure. Although
- your files or programs are locked, you are still able to copy
- them (unlike some commercially distributed protection programs),
- transport them to home or office, where you can unlock the files
- and continue your work. They even run while locked - but only if
- you have the password!
- LockTite Plus is distributed under the shareware concept. By
- using LockTite Plus, you agree to the following:
- You are hereby granted a license to use LockTite Plus for 30
- days. If after that time you would like to continue using
- LockTite Plus, you agree to fill out the attached registration
- form and render payment (check, money order, Master Card, or
- Visa) to ANSOFT.
- You are also granted a license to distribute LockTite Plus as
- long as no fee is charged, other than a nominal charge for
- copying, and as long as the files are not renamed and are
- distributed as a package.
- You may not remove the copyright notices or change the
- documentation or program without the express written consent of
- Use of this product is at your own risk. Neither ANSOFT nor the
- author will be held liable for any reason concerning use or
- misuse of this program.
- LockTite Plus 2
- If you have used some of the commercially available copy
- protection or security products, you have probably found several
- things about them that you don't like. Things such as:
- 1. The programs/files won't run unless you have a "gadget"
- of some sort attached to the computer.
- 2. People still manage to break into the copy protection
- scheme and make copies of the software.
- 3. You always need to have the protection program handy if
- you want to run the protected program.
- 4. You can't understand the user interface at all.
- LockTite Plus addresses all these problems and more. It's easy
- to use, fast, secure, and you don't need one of those "gadgets".
- Your protected files are turned into executable files which will
- load and display the following on the screen:
- ╔══════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ This file has been protected by ║
- ║ ║
- ╚══════════════════════════════════╝
- Best of all, LockTite Plus works with any dos file, be it an
- executable file, a document file, or even a compacted file.
- You should have two files - LTP.doc - this file
- LTP.exe - LockTite Plus program
- Just copy the exe file to any directory or subdirectory you wish,
- as long as it is included in your PATH statement. This way you
- can lock any file without having LockTite Plus in your current
- directory.
- To run, simply type in LTP and press the enter key. You will now
- be looking at the LockTite screen, which looks like this:
- ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ LockTite Plus ║
- ║ ║
- ║ Program and file protector. ║
- ║ ║
- ║ Copyright(c) 1989, 1990 by Michael Wegner ║
- ║ All Rights Reserved ║
- ║ Use with extreme caution!! ║
- ║ ║
- ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- <L>ock <U>nlock <Q>uit? : █
- LockTite Plus 3
- Press either L or U - all other keypresses will be ignored. If
- you press an L, another prompt will appear:
- Filename to lock : ████████████
- Enter the name of the file you would like to lock. Do NOT enter
- a path name - you MUST be presently in the same subdirectory as
- the file you want to lock. There is enough room for a normal 8
- character name, a period, and a three character extention.
- Wildcards (? and *) are NOT allowed.
- If the file or program you requested is not in the current
- drive/subdirectory, LockTite Plus will return you to the first
- prompt (<L>ock <U>nlock <Q>uit?).
- If the file you selected is valid, you will then be prompted for
- a password of your choosing:
- Enter password (10 characters max) : ███████████
- You may enter any password you would like, up to 10 characters
- long. This password is case-sensitive. A lower case password,
- such as "test" is NOT the same as "TEST" or "Test".
- LockTite Plus will then ask you to confirm it by reentering the
- password. This helps people like me who type like lightning - I
- never strike the same keys twice!
- LockTite Plus then checks the available disk space. If there is
- enough space for it to work, LockTite Plus will read in your
- file or program, encrypt it using your password, and then write
- it out to disk, along with a small header and then deletes your
- orginal file. The resulting file will have the same name as the
- original but with an .exe extention and will be 14619 bytes
- larger.
- If you have locked an executable program <.exe>, LockTite Plus
- will inform you that a file already exists with the same name and
- makes sure you want to overwrite this file. The same thing
- happens when you unlock an executable file. This ensures that
- you don't lock something you really don't want locked. For
- instance, you may have two files on your disk with the same name,
- but different extentions, such as GAME.EXE and GAME.DOC. If you
- lock the file GAME.DOC, LockTite Plus will turn it into an
- executable file named GAME.EXE. But since that would overwrite
- your GAME.EXE program, LockTite Plus will prompt you to make sure
- you really want to do that. In this case, you probably don't, so
- you would answer NO and LockTite Plus will return you to the main
- screen.
- You may copy a file, delete it, etc, but without the password,
- you can't get to the information or program. It's fast and
- secure. You can even protect it again if you'd like, using the
- same or different password, making it doubly safe, although this
- probably won't be necessary.
- LockTite Plus 4
- Alternatively, you can give the entire command on the command
- line of DOS. This is a little faster, since the LockTite Plus
- main screen is bypassed. Of course, your password appears on the
- screen for all to see, so use this option with care!
- [Locking a file from the command line]-------------------
- LTP L filename.ext password
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- [Unlocking a file from the command line]-----------------
- LTP U filename.ext password
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Separate the parameters with a single space and nothing else. If
- you make a mistake, LockTite will tell you something is wrong and
- give you an example command line to follow.
- Now that your file or program is locked, what good is it? Good
- question! And here's the answer - if it's a program, (a batch
- file <.bat>, an executable file <.exe>, or a binary file <.com>)
- you can still run it without unlocking it!
- There are two ways to run a locked program:
- 1. From the built-in LockTite password screen, or
- 2. From the command line.
- To run a LockTite Plus protected file using the built-in screen,
- you simply run the locked program. LockTite Plus will ask you
- for a password. Once entered, available disk space is checked
- and if there's enough to do the job, your program will be
- unlocked and written to a temporary file and is then executed.
- When your program is finished, control returns to LockTite Plus,
- where the temporary file is completely erased. All the king's
- horses and all the king's men couldn't put it together again,
- even if they used all the latest tools!
- Alternatively, you can run a locked program from the DOS command
- line by typing in the name of the locked program, leaving a
- space, and entering the password. Again, LockTite Plus checks
- to ensure the file exists, checks the validity of the password,
- makes sure there's enough free disk space, and then unlocks and
- runs the program, erasing it upon completion.
- LockTite Plus 5
- [Running a locked file from the command line]------------
- filename.ext password
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Running a locked program from the DOS command line has advantages
- and disadvantages. The advantage is piping. Some programs can
- have their output directed to a file instead of the screen, for
- instance. This is just fine with LockTite Plus, which is more
- than happy to redirect the output as you wish. The disadvantage
- is the same as locking or unlocking a file from the command line
- - your password is not hidden. Careful!
- [Running a locked file from the command line, redirecting the
- program's output to a file]------------------------------
- filename.ext password > file.dat
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- LockTite Plus 6
- LockTite Plus is a shareware program. What this means is that
- unlike commercially distributed software, we here at ANSOFT WANT
- you to give away copies of this program to your friends and
- upload it to any bulletin board you can. Why? The answer is in
- the price. LockTite Plus is a unique program which has no
- competitors whatsoever. None. But we can hold the price down to
- only $39.95 per copy, simply by releasing it as shareware. We
- don't have to pay for fancy boxes, disk duplicating services, or
- even fancy labels. We can hold the price down to these levels by
- letting you give it away!
- Of course, this is an honor system. If you like LockTite Plus,
- and you use LockTite Plus, you are expected to register your
- copy by paying for it. Hopefully, you'll also tell your friends
- how good this program is. That holds down our advertizing costs.
- You will find a registration form on the last page of this user
- guide. By filling it out and registering LockTite Plus, you'll
- receive several things:
- 1. A registered copy of LockTite Plus and a license to use
- it on any one machine you would like.
- 2. User support by either mail or electronic bulletin
- board. Registered users can call the Wizard's Lair BBS by
- setting your modem to 2400 bps, N,8,1 and dialing 398-5703, or
- 9600 bps (HST) and dialing 398-2305. Use the J command to join
- the LockTite Users' Conference. If you need any help, have any
- suggestions, or are just unsure about any ANSOFT product, this is
- the place to ask questions!
- 3. Our sincere thanks. We are a small but fast growing
- company. Our motto is simple: We treat you just as we would want
- to be treated. Plain and simple. By registering any ANSOFT
- product, you actually help yourself by ensuring we will be here
- to continue writing great software.
- 4. New product information. As we grow and expand, look
- for new ANSOFT products. Occasionally, we will mail a flyer to
- you listing new products and updates. Of course, if you don't
- register, we won't know who you are and you'll miss out on great
- software at LOW PRICES!
- Speaking of low prices, don't be fooled by ours. LockTite Plus
- is small, fast and secure! But, as they say, the proof is in the
- pudding. I've never figured out WHY they say that, or what it
- actually means, but they do say it. So try out LockTite Plus.
- See what it does, how it works. Take a test drive or three.
- You'll find more uses for it than you think, and you'll soon find
- you can't work without it!
- LockTite Plus Registration Form
- Name ______________________________________________
- Address ___________________________________________
- Address ___________________________________________
- City _______________________ State _____ Zip ______
- If paying by Visa or Master Card, please include the
- following:
- Circle One:
- Visa Credit Card Number __________________
- Master Card Expiration Date __________________
- Phone Number __________________
- Signature _________________________________________
- License for ________ copy(ies) of
- LockTite Plus @ $39.95 plus $2.60
- tax for a total of $42.55 per copy.
- Total amount enclosed is __________________________
- Mail Registration Form to:
- Neuner Drive
- Fairview Heights IL 622
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Site licensing available - check our prices!!!
- ---------------------------------------------------